

Lately I've been thinking about leadership. What happens in an organization of some sort if there is a lack of leaders? What effect does a lack of leaders have on the overall mission of an organization? What effect does that have on the leaders that are there?

If a church exists (an organism rather than an organization) that is a little behind the curve on the number of leaders it has, is it because people are saying "no" to God? After all, it's Jesus that builds the church as He sees fit, and I find it hard to believe that He would build something that is missing leaders. Or perhaps He is building dependence in the leaders that are there. There's so much work to be done and few people to do it. And in a situation like this, you can either be bummed out or you can pray. I choose to pray.



1 comment:

Joel said...

Hey Bill,

My $0.02: perhaps some circles are missing leaders because leadership has become an idol of sorts. We pay clergy to do the job all of us are commisioned in some form to do. While I'm certain what I'm suggesting is not true for most or all segments, why should Christ supply leaders to segments of the Body where we are just going to put them in an idolatrous function? Have portons of Christianity been infected with the secular personality cult?

BTW, in case you go looking for it, I had to move my blog. The first post explains it.

Later bro,